St. John Bosco Parish Makati

Live the Dream


The Lectors and Commentators Guild (LCG) is a group of parish volunteers who serve God as Proclaimers of His Word. LCG members act as lectors and commentators during the Mass. LECTORS proclaim God's Word during the Mass. When the Scriptures are read during the Mass, God Himself is speaking to His people and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself is proclaiming the Gospel.

On the other hand, COMMENTATORS help the faithful participate actively during the Mass. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal describes a COMMENTATOR as a liturgical minister “who provides the faithful, when appropriate, with brief explanations and commentaries with the purpose of introducing them to the celebration and preparing them to understand it better”. (GIRM 2000 # 105)

At the Saint John Bosco Parish, the other tasks of LCG members include: attending and supporting parish activities; coordinating with parish groups in handling baptisms; taking part in activities for spiritual growth, and continuously undergoing training to be better proclaimers.

To join, contact